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Workflow form
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Facilitate case creation with a workflow form.

Share a custom form URL to allow anyone, both internal or external parties, to submit new cases to your workflow. The workflow form can include any of the custom fields that have been added.

Form settings

Accepting responses

If the "Accepting responses" flag is turned off, form submissions are prohibited, and the form page will display a message stating that the form is inactive.

Collect contact information

You can choose to collect email, name, and phone information from form submitters. The "Collect email" option can be set to "No" if you do not want to include an email field.

Alternatively, you can set it to "Optional" or "Required." If "Required" is selected, you can choose to collect a contact name and/or phone number as well.

Public token

The form's URL is publicly accessible, but it includes a token that you control, ensuring that only those with the link can access the form. If necessary, you can refresh this token, but note that the previous URL will no longer work.

Form fields

In addition to the fields collecting contact information (email, name and phone number), any field that is added as a custom field in the workflow is available for you to add to the form.

You can remove fields from the form, but they will remain in the workflow and can be added back through the “Add field” menu.

If you need a field that is not listed, you must first add it to the custom fields of the workflow before it becomes available to be added to the form.

All the fields, except for those that collect contact information, can be put in a different order by drag-and-drop.


A form page can be confusing without explanatory text. For this purpose, there are three types of fields available. They can be added more than once in a Form.


A text with a large font (H1), which is often used as a page title or section titles.


A text with a large font (H2), often used as section headers.


A text paragraph, used for explanatory text.

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